In our earlier blog of startup India we tell you what is start up India and their benefits of registration in startup India. Now we tell you what the pre-requisite for making registration in startup India are.
Startup India Registration is Divided in to 7 steps:
(1) Entity details: Here in first step you need to filled your entity information like entity you belongs, further classified you industry then to sector then to categories you belong like if you belong telecom industry then you have to classified yourself in to what actually you done in telecom sector in to categories what you actually do. You also give Your registration detail like registration no, pan card no of entity, registration date etc. along with registration certificate like company incorporation certificate which need to be uploaded.
(2) Address Detail: in this column all you need to give your address details.
(3) Authorization Detail: Here you give detail of authorized person who are filling who are actually working in your entity or a signing person.
(4) Director/ Partner Detail: In this step you need to give detail of Director/ Partner like Name, gender, mobile no, email id etc.
(5) Information Required: This is a most important step here you give details of your entity employees, your innovative product, your level of business etc.
(6) Tax Benefits: In this step on the basis of information you have provided system will automatically see whether you are eligible for the tax exemptions it’s based on the department criteria are match with your self-declaration information that you had provided.
(7) Self-Deceleration: In this step you have to self-declare that all the information that you have provided are true and correct.
The only documents you required mandatory is the registration certificate, apart from this no documents are required for compulsory uploading, however if you want to filled additional documents you can filled the same like , hyperlink of your website, videos etc.
After filling the same, department will analyses your application and give certification or decline the application on the basis of your correctness of your information.
Where I get my Certificate of Startup India Registration?
After Analyzing the information, department will grant you certificate on the email id which you have been provided on your information column. This certificate will be evidence that you have registering yourself in startup India initiative.
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